When you sit down to create a card, do you use a card sketch or colour combination to help get the creative juices flowing? I was searching on social media, when I came across Wendy Cranford’s Colour Splash ten using the following colours.
When I first saw these colours, it automatically spoke Halloween to me! So I created a fun Halloween Card using these colours and the Have a Hoot stamp set.
I wented with the base colours of Rich Razzleberry and Granny Apple Green for my card design. Then I pulled in the other colours of Pumpkin Pie and Crushed Curry on my owl and pumpkin.
I wanted a spooky feeling to my card so I randomly stamped cobwebs all over my card base with Granny Apple Green ink. So what do you think of this fun colour combination, is it one that you will try out?
All the supplies that I used on my projects today are available in my Online Stampin’ UP! Store by clicking the products photos at the bottom of this post. Thank you for your support of my business!
Need to Order Supplies: You can either email me your order OR you can head to my ONLINE STORE. Don’t forget to use the HOSTESS CODE: YKEVGW6A Order over $50 you will qualify for my Customer Thank You Special for the month of September.
Thanks for stopping by and have a great fabulous day!