
Hope you are having a great day and recharging your batteries for the new week! It’s a pretty low key day around here with some puzzle time, stamping in my room, and chilling on the deck! Sounds like a perfect day to me!! 

Today, I’m sharing with you our project from our Wednesday night Crafty Session. This past week we have been focusing on the Unbounded Love Bundle and the Thoughtful Journey Designer Series Paper pack. These two products work beautifully together. 

I’m sharing with you a Fancy Fold called ” The Quick and Easy 4 Panel Card.” I learned this fun fancy fold from my good friend Mary Knabe. Thanks for the inspiration Mary! 

As you can see, you create a 4 different panel that you can decorate with card stock or pattern paper. I think this Fancy Fold would make a beautiful holiday card! 


Come create with me! I have shared this video to my YOUTUBE CHANNEL or you can watch it below. Want to see more videos from me, be sure to subscribe to my YOUTUBE channel and make sure to click on the notification button. Thank you so much for crafting with me.

What did you think? Isnt’ that a simply and easy card to make? I think this is one Fancy Fold template that you can use for any occasion! Definitely will be keeping this template! 

Measurements and Supplies for my card:

  • Misty Moonlight card base – 5 1/2″ by 8 1/2″ score at 1 1/4″ and 4 1/4″ on the long side 
  • Basic White card stock – 2 3/4″ by 5 1/4″ 
  • Thoughtful Journey Designer Series Paper – 2 3/4″ by 5 1/4″ – need 2 pieces 
  • Thoughtful Journey Designer Series Paper – 1″ by 5 1/4″ – need 2 pieces 
  • Petunia Pop and Basic White card stock scraps

I have a few more samples that I shared with you this past week, so make sure to scroll back to see them. 

Want to create my project at home? All the supplies that I used on my projects today are available in my Online Stampin’ UP! Store by clicking the products photos at the bottom of this post. Thank you for crafting with me and supporting my business by clicking on the link below.

Need to Order Supplies: You can either email me your order OR you can head to my ONLINE STORE. Don’t forget to use the HOSTESS CODE: KA79TVC4 Order over $50 and you will qualify for my Customer Thank You Special for the month. 

Happy Stamping!!